Looking for homeopathy and nutrition volunteers
Hello and Happy New Year!
Apologies for not updating the blog in a while, it’s been busy…

The Alexander studio continues to be open and it has been a privilege to work with a number of new clients since the autumn. It is also a privilege to continue applying the principles with clients who have been having lessons for a while. The principles of the Technique don’t change, they work and we carry on with the learning journey.
As you may know I have been studying nutrition and homeopathy. I hope to qualify in late 2022. In order to qualify I now need to take on 4 new homeopathy / nutrition clients. Could you help me? If you feel you (or a friend or family member) could benefit from some health input then please do let me know. In terms of commitment you will need to meet with me 3 times (in person or on Zoom), be prepared to answer questions and talk about yourself and your health, and be open to making positive changes in your life.
All recommendations that you receive will have been passed by my supervisors first. They are fully qualified in their fields and have a wealth of experience.
I need to begin taking cases in mid-February. If you (or a friend / family member) are interested, please do get in touch. You can use the contact form on the home page of the website. Here’s to health in 2022!